“Our Company, leader in the sector, must use its own expertise, products, services and relations to support and accelerate the changes that are fundamental for our economy and necessary to achieve shared prosperity for both current and future generations. For this reason, we firmly believe that incorporating ESG factors in our investments and products is the winning choice for a sustainable future.”
Emanuele Caniggia
Head of DeA Capital’s Real Estate and CEO of DeA Capital Real Estate SGR
Sustainable Performance
20 AIFS classified as Art. 8 under the SFDR reached €3.5 billion in 2023 (30% of total Open Market Value managed)
The objective of DeA Capital Real Estate is to adopt an approach aimed at social and environmental responsibility, creating value for all stakeholders: AIF investors, Group, tenants of managed assets, as well as the communities in which they are located.
ESG Strategy
By adhering to the Principles of Responsible Investment and defining a sustainability strategy, we are committed to integrating ESG issues at all operational levels, in the investment process supporting value creation and growth in the medium to long term.
Our self-imposed goals are based on the European climate path and on a continuous evaluation to exceed the legal requirements.
Our ESG strategy is based on the following guiding principles aimed at creating value for investors of managed AIFs, for the Group to which it belongs, for the holders and users of managed assets and for the communities in which they are involved:
Advocate, engage and act responsibly
Acting responsibly and promoting sustainability in the sector as an investor signatory of UN PRI, adopting a responsible approach to investment to create value and increase industry awareness of the benefits deriving from valorisation of ESG issues.
Develop, renovate and manage efficient and sustainable buildings
Developing, redeveloping and managing properties that are efficient and sustainable, pursuing energy efficiency objectives and reducing the consumption of resources for assets and actively contributing to the transition towards a low carbon economy.
Be people centric
Placing people at the centre by investing in the well-being and professional growth of the people who are part of DeA Capital Real Estate, ensuring a work environment that fosters professional growth and the ability to attract and retain new talents.
Participate in the creation of sustainable cities of the future
Proactively participating in the creation of sustainable cities of the future aiming at sustainable and inclusive urbanisation, benefiting from the integration of digital and technological innovations.
Our sustainable growth strategy aims to create value for all stakeholders and the community by contributing to the achievement of numerous United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs or Agenda 2030).
We invest in People
People are our greatest resource.
For this reason, we believe that human capital is a resource to be protected, valued and enhanced, respecting the principles of gender equality and racial equality.
We are committed to attract and to retain the best talent and to give staff the best conditions for personal and professional growth, ensuring an inclusive, stimulating and dynamic working environment that protects the well-being of the individual and the group.
We joined numerous group initiatives and we are developing independent activities and projects, often in line with our corporate and social needs and dedicated to positively impacting communities.
DeA Capital Real Estate in action
To support the advancement of our ESG efforts, we collaborate in partnership with organizations to act in the best interests of our stakeholders, through open and honest communication, conscious that only collective action can bring about significant changes.
Creating Value for the Community

The De Agostini Foundation was established in March 2007 in Novara by the Boroli and Drago families to return to the community part of the added value generated by the entrepreneurial activities of the De Agostini Group.
The Foundation operates mainly in the social sphere, to respond concretely and effectively to the needs of people with disabilities, with situations of fragility or marginalisation and with particular attention to the younger generations, who represent the future of our country.
Today the De Agostini Foundation is active in four main areas:
Disability, Education and Training, Social Inclusion and Emergencies.
With these objectives in mind, over the years the Foundation has set up a network of relationships and numerous collaborations with organisations, foundations, institutions and associations that share the same mission and objectives and, together with them, has been committed to creating and supporting initiatives of great value.
Wherever possible, the criteria of replicability and economic sustainability are applied when choosing the projects. The Foundation aims to ensure that successful interventions can be replicated in different areas and locations and seeks to promote and strengthen the sustainability of the projects themselves and their ability to continue independently after the initial start-up phase.
The De Agostini Foundation intervenes mainly in the Novara area – with which the name De Agostini has had a deep connection for over a century – and in Italy. It is also active at international level, supporting projects linked to situations of social and environmental emergency.

Project "1+1=3"
The third edition of "1+1=3 INSIEME PER UN PROGETTO SOCIALE", an initiative promoted by the De Agostini Foundation and De Agostini Group companies, was dedicated in 2023 to projects aimed at young people aged between 15 and 25.
The De Agostini Foundation, assisted by a group of young people from Ashoka, an international organisation that promotes social innovation and systemic change, evaluated all the projects submitted by employees and selected the finalists, which were voted on online by everyone in the Group.
For the DeA Capital Group, the most voted projects were: Un libro per amore (A book for love) by the Società Cooperativa Sociale Amicizia, from Codogno (LO) and BB4T: Building Bonds for Teens, creating bonds for teenagers and young adults in socially fragile situations by the Società Cooperativa Sociale L'Accoglienza Onlus from Rome.
The winning associations will receive a budget made available by De Agostini Group companies and the Foundation to implement their project. In addition, all finalist associations will have the opportunity to participate, free of charge, in a training course proposed by Rete del Dono.

Global Giving Month
The "Global Giving Month" initiative, a month-long program launched by the De Agostini Group, with the support of De Agostini Foundation, in collaboration with various associations, coordinates volunteer events for De Agostini Group employees.
The objective is to engage all Group employees in activities that contribute to supporting the local communities.
80% of the De Agostini Group's workforce participated in this initiative, collectively dedicating over 2,600 hours to 15 different associations across various cities.